Deep Brain Stimulation

Deep Brain Stimulation

The most powerful and easy-to-use system for DBS-Surgery, integrating planning software and electrophysiological exploration!

NeuroSet is a complete and compact system for advanced target localization and refined electrophysiological target exploration in Deep Brain Stimulation surgery

Powerful - Intuitive - Safe - Accurate - Fast - Research Solutions

Components of the NeuroSet system:

NeuroBook: complete and compact microrecording and stimulation module for electrophysiological exploration

NeuroSpot: high-precision microdrive DBS-Guide: software module for procedure control, data analysis and real-time monitoring

BrainPath: software module for neuronavigation, surgical planning and intraoperative monitoring (optional)

NeuroBook - Electronic Module

The NeuroBook electronic unit was designed as a single compact box including 5 amplifier channels for extracellular action potential recording, 4 amplifier channels for EMG recording (optional), programmable constant current stimulation module, impedance measurement module and microdrive controller.

  • Excellent signal quality;
  • 5 microrecording channels;
  • 4 EMG/LFP channels;
  • Impedance measurement;
  • Micro and macro stimulation;
  • Digital data acquisition;
  • Fully computer controlled;
  • Plug and play;
  • Compact and robust

NeuroSpot - Microdrive

The NeuroSpot microdrive features innovative design for high-precision exploration. It operates in motorized or manual mode and drives up to 5 microelectrodes through a BenGun matrix. Full compatibility is ensured with the standard stereotaxic frames.

  • High-precision exploration;
  • High-accuracy of guiding, no xy drift;
  • Reduced tissue damage;
  • Fully computer controlled;
  • Visualization of electrode advancement;
  • Physical/logical scale display;
  • Optional manual control;
  • Safety stopper

DBS-Guide - Control Software

The control and management software DBS-Guide enables complete and comfortable control of the electronic functions and of the microdrive positioning.

DBS-Guide was designed to provide advanced analysis, presentation and integration of exploration data enabling accurate placement of DBS electrodes.


  • Integrated 2D/3D atlas, patient specific AC-PC matched;
  • Microrecording/macrostimulation individual monitoring;
  • Visualization of recording/stimulation sites;
  • Monitoring of stimulation pulse train and activated tissue;
  • Integration with BrainPath planning software;
  • MRI/CT electrode advancement monitoring
  • Automated electrophysiology exploration Record & Move;
  • Automated spike-sorting;
  • On-the-fly spike train analysis and trajectory overview;
  • Spike-sorting, ISI-histogram, FR tachogram, raster display;
  • Snapshot, save, replay;
  • Representative signal overview; all sites, all trajectories;
  • Clinical effects of stimulation; easy documentation;
  • Research tools

Remote Control

The remote control enables you to comfortably control the most used features of the Microdrive, Stimulation Parameters and Data Control.

  • Microdrive: up, down coarse, down fine, autoexplore;
  • Stimulation: delivery, increase, decrease, reset;
  • Data control: save, snapshot